Last updateFri, 14 Jun 2024 9am


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Canelo-Golovkin rematch back on

The eagerly awaited rematch between Tapatio boxing star Saul “Canelo” Alvarez and WBA and WBC world middleweight champion Gennady Golovkin of Kazakhstan will take place on Mexican Independence Day weekend in Las Vegas.

Welcome to the strange, eerie world of Rafael Coronel

While at a glance it may seem little more than  innocuous fancy, a second look at the work of Zacatecas-born painter/sculptor Rafael Coronel reveals a decidedly odd bent of mind, one which has an uncanny ability to conjure up images that while otherworldly and, yes, fanciful, are also eerie disquieting. 

Legal guidance for local expats

Bilingual attorney Juan de la Rosa Ortiz lent a personal ear to local expats after covering a broad spectrum of issues during his presentation on Mexican law at the May 27 meeting of Open Circle.

Briefly - April 21, 2018

Tren Ligero 3 to begin trial runs in July

Trial runs of Guaadalajara’s new Tren Ligero 3 metro line will – if you put any stock in the city’s infrastructure project timeline prognostications – begin not in May, as was previously promised, but rather in July.