Last updateFri, 26 Jul 2024 9am


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‘Don’t hang up’ and other scams

Below are descriptions of several scams which have been “making the rounds” in the Guadalajara area in 2022 and which came to my attention via personal reports from some of the victims. Their names have been changed.

Don’t hang up!

pg8María, a maid, was alone in the house when she got a telephone call from someone asking for Peter, the owner of the residence.

“He’s not here,” she replied.

“Okay, let me talk to Linda (Peter’s wife).”

“She’s not here either,” said María.

Note that the caller knew in advance the names of the house owners and has now determined that neither one is at home at the moment.

Next, the caller said, “I’m trying to reach either one of them to tell them that before 1 p.m. today, they have to pay the interest they owe on a loan they took out. If they don’t pay it, the interest is going to go way up! So they need to make a deposit right now.”

“But they’re not here,” María repeated.

“Wait a minute,” said the caller. “La Señora Linda is calling me right now.”

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