Last updateFri, 21 Jun 2024 11am


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North Banderas Beat - November 06, 2021

Smiles and sunshine

Nothing compares to returning to north Banderas Bay after a summer away. After the crazy months of restrictions we’re embracing living outdoors, dancing, connecting with others, taking endless beach walks, and eating the healthiest food that is readily available.

Unimaginable joy has returned to our lives.

The “C” word seems to have been removed from most conversations, masks are still abundant and protocols in place and the area is green! Most folks aren’t looking back and are eager to live again.

Wayland from The Octopus Garden restaurant shared this:  “Now that most people in their 30s and over have been vaccinated we haven’t seen any more cases. We are noticing a definite increase in movement and sales, thank God! On November 1, we opened our cafe for light breakfasts. We’ve got two very good yoga teachers and dance teachers who’ve starting classes again. We live in hope that this season will see some recovery.”

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