Last updateFri, 04 Oct 2024 6am


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Cruz Roja party circuit builds steam

”This is a great way for people to get together for socializing and for giving,” declared Zhanna Sosensky, standing up to encourage 45 guests gathered for a delightful gourmet dinner held May 13 at the La Floresta home of David Ozmand and Gaetane Montreuil.  Sosenky was pioneer hostess and cook for the first in the series of intimate soirees being organized at privatehomes to raise funds for Cruz Roja Chapala.

Weekly Worship – May 21, 2016

Lake Chapala Baptist

Says Brother Bob Hendrick: “In the letter to the Hebrews, there is a list of people God considered ‘faithful.’ Knowing the stories of some of them, it seems that God’s standard is pretty low. Among those listed are Gideon, Barak, Samson and Jephthah. Gideon did not want to lead God’s army and tested God over and over. Barak would not go to battle unless a woman, Deborah, went with him. Samson? Well, you remember Delilah, and she wasn’t his first bad decision. Jephthah made a rash promise to God that he had to keep. I’ll not put the scripture references; you can ‘Google’ the names. What you will find is, God uses and brags on people as common as you and I. Our usefulness depends on Him, not on us.”

New Hope Christian Fellowship points the way

Pastor Gene Raymer secures the locks for the new sign for New Hope Christian Fellowship.

“People returning from up north are having trouble getting accurate information about our new meeting place,” says the pastor.  “We had a sandwich board type sign, but it was hard to see and someone decided they needed the sign more than we did.  This one will be easier to see and hopefully last longer.”  

As the sign says, New Hope Christian Fellowship is a non-denominational Christian congregation that meets on Sunday at 11 a.m.  The sign points them to the rear entrance of the Presbyterian church where the group meets upstairs.

Shriners recognize Ribfest host

Local Shriners Perry King and Cesar Rubio present a certificate of appreciation to Flavio Tavera (center)  for his generosity in facilitating the free use of the Cumbres Jardin de Eventos for the 10th annual Shrine Club Ribfest.

Tavera is a representative of Grupo Diocsa, the Guadalajara-based development outfit that built and operates Cumbres, Tobolandia and the Cielo Vista housing subdivision.

This year’s 2016 Ribfest drew a record crowd of 600 diners to boost the transportation kitty for local children requiring specialized care at the Shriner Hospital in Mexico City.

Tavera gave his pledge to continue supporting such a worthy cause, penciling in a reservation for Cumbres on March 8, 2017.

Birders prep for ‘Big Day’

Chapala Birders remind the community that Saturday, May 14 is Global Big Day, when everyone is encouraged to get outside and count as many bird species as they can find.  The sightings recorded should be entered in the eBird database. 

Farmers pray for favorable weather

Local farmers will be raising prayers to patron saint, San Isidro Labrador, at an outdoor service Monday, May 16, 7 p.m., at the giant sculpture of the Virgen de Zapopan set on the north-south leg of the Chapala Malecón.