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Briefly - May 11, 2024

Blackouts across Mexico

Households in nearly half of Mexico’s territory experienced power outages during the late afternoon and early evening of Tuesday, May 7.

The Centro Nacional de Control de Energía (Cenace) said the blackouts were caused by two key factors: the current heat waves and a reduction in power generation. Cenace said a dozen power plants were shut down for varying periods, as rolling cuts were made to balance supply and demand over a five-hour period.

Katya lunar bound?

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador revealed that at a recent meeting he had with National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Director Bill Nelson, he proposed that Katya Echazarreta, the Ixtlahuacan de los Membrillos native who in 2022 became the first Mexican-born woman in space, be one of the astronauts in the agency’s planned mission to the Moon.  López Obrador told reporters that Nelson agreed to his idea, although the Mexican president is known for his exaggerated claims. Artemis 3 is expected to launch in September 2026 as the first crewed landing on the Moon since Apollo 17.

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