Last updateFri, 14 Jun 2024 9am


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City has more cars than trees

In Guadalajara there is a car for every 2.5 people and there are more automobiles than trees per square meter.

Selection of state orchestra music director gets muddy

The choosing of a music director for the Jalisco Philharmonic Orchestra, after 14 months during which three candidates were tried out, is now mired in uncertainty.

Pet Help rescues 700 dogs in Guadalajara

Guadalajara-based animal assistance group Pet Help rescued 700 dogs and 300 cats in the Guadalajara metropolitan area in 2011.

Drug rehab center poisoning: chemical cause discovered

Investigators at the Jalisco Institute of Forensic Science (IJCF) have discovered the chemical that caused the deaths of five people and the poisoning of 30 others at the Garam drug rehabilitation center in Guadalajara on Christmas day.

New type of US Visa now available in Guadalajara

Starting Monday, January 23, the Consulate General of the United States in Guadalajara will issue a new type of Visa called a Laser Visa. It will add Border Crossing Card functionality to all B1/B2 Visas, effectively merging the two types of documents.