Last updateFri, 21 Jun 2024 11am


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Ajijic volunteers paint highway crosswalks

A recent Facebook posting on pedestrian safety shared by Ajijic native Denis Arrabi quickly snowballed into a citizen initiative to repaint several of the town’s most perilous highway crosswalks. Over the past week volunteer crews have spread out to touch up the yellow and white roadway markings, with added artistic touches, at the street intersections with Revolucion, Colon and Alvaro Obregon. 

Candidates & architects fence sit on Lake City mega real estate project

Asked for their views on the controversial Lake City megaproject, Chapala’s leading mayoral candidates are sitting on the fence, being cautious not to take a firm posture until they can take a look at the fully finished plan to weigh in on all the pros and cons. None, however, has expressed outright rejection of the proposal. 

Chapala urban planning chief reveals conditions for Lake City permit

As predicted in the article on the hotly-debated Lake City project published in the Guadalajara Reporter’s April 11 edition, a technical finding issued last year by Chapala’s Department of Urban Development (DDU) is loaded with caveats and conditions the developers must adhere to in order to obtain final approval and a building license from the city government.