Last updateFri, 21 Jun 2024 11am


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San Antonio rallies to save Malecon

San Antonio Tlayacapan community activists Victoria Corona and Rosa Maria Ibarra are spearheading an ad hoc defense committee to fight the National Water Commission demolition order issued for the waterfront Malecon.

Tranquil Roca Azul unfazed by death

The death of Roca Azul trailer park resident John Paul Abeel last week hasn’t flustered long-term inhabitants of the park. Abeel was a loner who lived on the edge of the transient RV community and wasn’t well known, even to his nearest neighbor, who lives just ten meters from the now sealed motorhome.

Man on a mission for water sport complex

Local contractor Marco Zaragoza hosted a meeting at La Nueva Posada last week to discuss his vision for the Centro Deportivo Acuatico Axixic, a sports complex designed as a facility for local youth to train in swimming, diving and water polo and a hub for non-motorized boating disciplines.

Jewish Congregation hosts symposium

The Lake Chapala Jewish Congregation (LCJC) in Riberas (Santa Margarita 113) will host a symposium on Wednesday, March 12, 2 p.m. on the issues raised by the prominent Israeli journalist and writer, Ari Shavit, in his recent monumental book “My Promised Land.”