Last updateFri, 14 Jun 2024 9am


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Briefly - October 20, 2018

Flights dropped

Recent financial losses have forced Aeromexico to cancel several domestic and international routes, including two from Guadalajara.

Briefly - October 13, 2018

Book Club

The English Book Club in Guadalajara meets at the American Society (Amsoc) Thursday, October 18, 10 a.m. when the tome “The End of, Night: Searching for Natural Darkness in an Age of Artificial Light” by Paul Godard will be discussed.

Pastor-musician undertakes ‘Messiah’ presentation

Longtime Guadalajara-area resident Paul Fisher, newly at the helm of a small, English-speaking congregation, English Fellowship, has set his sights on an ambitious choral performance for early December, which will take advantage of some of his own talents and those of the choir of his flock’s mother church, the large, Spanish-speaking Rey de Reyes Presbyterian.