Last updateFri, 21 Jun 2024 11am


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Guadalajara museum’s greeters-in-chief

They have never met as leaders of their respective nations, but U.S. President Donald Trump and his Mexican counterpart, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, seem happy to serve as greeters-in-chief at the entrance to the Museo de Cera (Wax Museum) in downtown Guadalajara.

Don’t assist drunk drivers!

A state legislator has issued a plea to residents of Guadalajara not to post messages on social media informing motorists of the location of the nightly “Salvando Vidas” checkpoints designed to trap drunk drivers.

New migrant wave enters city

As the border wall funding soap opera drags on in the United States, a new wave of Central American migrants is passing through Guadalajara.

City radiant on 477th birthday

The first night of downtown Guadalajara’s third annual light spectacle, GDL LUZ, drew an estimated 30,000 people Wednesday.

State governor pleads for calm

The current spate of homicides – 10 were reported on February 12 alone – prompted Jalisco Governor Enrique Alfaro to urge citizens to remain calm while his administration implements new security strategies. At the same time, he reminded constituents of his limited time in office.

Motorcycle crackdown hoping to curb crime Jalisco

New laws governing motorcycles will go into effect in Jalisco March 1 as part of the state government’s initiative to reduce crime.