Last updateFri, 14 Jun 2024 9am


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Mexico responds to Trump tariff decision

Barely two months after stating he would temporarily exempt Mexico, Canada and the European Union from the steel and aluminum tariffs (25 and 10 percent, respectively) recently applied to China and other countries, U.S. President Donald Trump has decided to include those entities much earlier than expected in what may be the start of a protracted trade war.

Trump inspects prototype border walls

Last Tuesday, U.S. president Donald Trump paid a visit to a bare patch of desert outside of San Diego to inspect border wall prototypes, looking over them in the baking heat not unlike, perhaps, the way a demanding fashion designer peruses a series of fabric swatches.

Is the smoke clearing? Or is it smoking?

Tah-dah! The U.S. tax bill is the law of the land.  Lots of major changes, too many to go over, but I will select just a few income tax items worthy of note to those who live and play outside the United States.That’s Mexico, for us!

Trump: Jury exoneration of Mexican migrant ‘complete travesty of justice’

A San Francisco jury which found an illegal immigrant not guilty of murder in the shooting death of Kate Steinle has set off a fresh firestorm of recrimination from archconservatives, including U.S. President Donald Trump, who in 2015 first sensationalized the case of Jose Garcia’s killing of the white victim by calling Garcia, a 45-year-old who reportedly has a second-grade education, “this animal that shot that … beautiful woman.”