Last updateFri, 14 Jun 2024 9am


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Connections among friends

Lake Chapala Society volunteer Steve Balfour and local Chamber of Commerce delegate Benjamin Mora brought in Chapala Traffic Department Director Gerardo Bautista and Police Chief Raúl Valenciano as guest speakers for the July 9 session of the Conexiones Entre Amigos program.

Mayor revives Chapala ecology council

Chapala’s 2018-2021 administration has formed the Ecology and Sustainable Development Advisory Council, established Tuesday, July 10 with representatives of the municipality’s academic and business sectors, civil associations and City Hall officials.

Fanfare & fervor to surround Virgin’s visit

Chapala will welcome the beloved Virgen de Zapopan on Sunday, July 14 for a three-day visit that will be enveloped in fanfare and religious fervor marking the tenth anniversary of the icon’s coronation as La Reina del Lago (Queen of the Lake).