Last updateFri, 27 Sep 2024 9am


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Tejuino: a favorite hot weather drink

Tejuino was not only popular in pre-Hispanic times, but is still a favorite hot-weather drink in Jalisco, Chihuahua and other places. To find out how it’s made, I had only to drive five minutes from my home outside Guadalajara to the nearest tejuino stand, where brewer Osmar Carmona outlined the procedure:

A giant pre-Hispanic jar tells its story

His mobile rang. Archaeologist Rodrigo Esparza tapped Reply. On the other end was Cecila González, one of Mexico’s leading experts in ceramic restoration. “Guess what?” she said. “I have a surprise for you. Your jar is ready to go home.”

What can you find out from a plague?

The human race has become complacent. Once upon a time pestilence was something to worry about, but a few decades of relatively mild epidemics – and the discovery of medical fixes to keep them at bay – led most of us citizens of the 21st century to believe that pestilence and plague were things of the past.

New book on the archaeology of Western Mexico offers holistic view of pre-Hispanic times

A new book titled “Ancient West Mexico in the Mesoamerican Ecumene” –  written in excellent English – presents the first study of the archaeology of the whole of West Mexico, from the earliest to the latest cultural periods, by a single author. It is also unique in that it is far more than a simple compendium of excavations and artifacts.