Last updateFri, 14 Jun 2024 9am


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Firearms celebration has tragic finale

A young man’s life ended this weekend when he stepped out of his house with some friends during the New Year’s celebrations in the early hours of Sunday morning.

Carpool lane plan may help unclog city arteries

Congested commuting avenues such as Vallarta, Lázaro Cárdenas, Patria, López Mateos, and the Periférico are being tagged by transportation chiefs as possible beneficiaries of a carpool, or high occupancy lane.

IMSS invests in cancer equipment

The Instituto Mexicano de Seguro Social (IMSS), the government-run health care provider, is investing 354 million pesos (26 million dollars) in state-of-the-art cancer fighting equipment at the oncology department, located in Hospital de Especialidades at the Centro Medico de Occidente in Guadalajara.

Powdering while driving OK, traffic chief says

State Transportation (SVT) Director Diego Monraz has rejected a proposal to ticket women who apply make-up while they are driving, as he says it is discriminatory.

Bicycle lane finished, maybe too quickly

A new bicycle lane is open on Avenida Washington, but Guadalajara City Hall might have jumped the gun on the project.

Small fire at Degollado Theater

A small fire destroyed one of the curtains in Guadalajara’s Teatro Degollado on Tuesday. Outside the theater, witnesses noticed smoke billowing from the windows. A theater lamp started the flames at around 10:30 a.m., although theater personnel just as quickly extinguished them before firefighters arrived.

City tunnels to get makeover

Guadalajara city hall has launched an artistic program to brighten the municipality by decorating 18 tunnel interiors and two bridges.

Culture Secretary Myriam Vachez recently opened the application process for local artists and graphic designers. The designs must be creative but not distract drivers, she said.  The budget for the project is five million pesos.

The design to the left  has already been approved for the tunnel at Washington and Inglaterra.