Last updateFri, 21 Jun 2024 11am


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Women protest day care cuts

Women protest at the Minerva Glorieta Thursday over federal cuts that could see the closure of 50 percent of day care centers subsidized by the new Secretaría del Bienestar (formerly Sedesol).

Gas shortage: Jalisco business sector demands a solution

Businesses and industries in Jalisco are loosing between 200 and 250 million pesos a day as a result of the gasoline shortage, according to Daniel Curiel, the president of the state’s Council of Industrial Chambers.

Dengue drops in winter months but risk still there

Confirmed dengue cases in Jalisco quintupled in 2018 compared with 2017, according to the Epidemiology Department of the Jalisco Health Secretariat (SSJ).

Women’s Institute to be restructured

The state government has confirmed that the Instituto Jalisciense de la Mujer (Jalisco Institute for Women of IJM) will be incorporated into a new agency with more teeth, able to deal with a wider range of gender issues thanks to a bigger budget.

Amsoc inaugurates kid’s story time & library

Christine Walker, who was the “story lady” at Sandi Bookstore before it closed last year, will reopen her popular story and song time in English for young children at the American Society (Amsoc) on the last Saturday of each month.

Early bill paying continues

Filling up one’s tank with precious gasoline isn’t the only reason to wait in line this January.

Coming up at Amsoc

BOOK CLUB: The next English Book Club meeting will be Thursday, January 24, 10 a.m. at the American Society (Amsoc). Under discussion will be “Perfume: The Story of a Murderer”  by German author Patrick Suskind.