Last updateFri, 14 Jun 2024 9am


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Alejandro Aguirre wins reelection as Chapala mayor

Alejandro Aguirre Curiel has been declared the winner of Chapala’s 2024 mayoral race based on the official results of the vote count reported by the Municipal Electoral Council (CME) on Wednesday, June 5.

The candidate for the PAN-PRI-PRD coalition racked up 10,694 votes, compared to 8,143 accrued by his closest rival, Morena candidate Juan de Dios “Bebo” García Velasco.

Issac Trejo Gracián, running on the Movimiento Ciudadano ticket, placed a distant third with 4,891 votes. Futuro’s  Julian Ortiz Arciaga pulled in 2,154 votes, while Lupita Cevallos Gámez picked up 788 votes for Partido Verde Ecologista and Angeles Zavala Ortega trailed with 318 for Hagamos.


With his solid win, Aguirre has made history as the first Chapala presidente municipal to be reelected, recalling the failed attempts of former mayors Moisés Anaya Aguilar in 2021 and Javier Degollado González in 2018. Reforms of election laws enacted in 2014 now allow incumbent mayors to stand for two consecutive three-year terms.

Aguirre is also the first person to govern the municipality for a third time. He headed the 2001-2003 administration, taking office then as Chapala’s youngest mayor at age 30.

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