Last updateFri, 03 May 2024 10am


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To mask or not to mask

It’s perfectly understandable that lakesiders have become increasingly stressed out since the spread of the Covid-19 virus in this area has been officially acknowledged by health officials.

pg12Local residents are demanding more and more information as the growing number of confirmed cases are reported. They want to know where the sick people live. Some ask if foreign residents have become infected. And most of all they’re engaged in constant griping about how many folks who don’t wear or misuse face masks while out in public.

There are those who would have the authorities slap fines on every bare-faced person in sight and others who wish them to be arrested and thrown behind bars. Such onerous steps are not going to happen, given that there are no stipulations in the law for penalizing individuals who don’t cover up their mugs.

Health experts around the globe seem to have become convinced that employing face masks is one of the most effective tactics to contain and overcome the pandemic. However, in these parts, proper use of cubrebocas is simply a recommendation to prevent Coronavirus carriers from infecting healthy people.

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