Last updateFri, 14 Jun 2024 9am


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Obese people in the multi-billions?

World Obesity Atlas, an organization that apparently follows obesity around the world, predicts global obesity will increase to half the global population in 12 years. 

Things Americans find weird in Mexico

A year or so back I wrote about some of the things Mexican’s find weird about Americans. So it’s time to flip the coin to see what many gringo’s find weird in Mexico.

A surreal new world is coming

Is it me? Or has the world reached the point of chaos foreseen in the Bible, such that judgement day, the Millennium and the New World Order is upon us.

Are you eating right? Do you care?

After about 40 minutes of food shopping up and down, over and around the aisles at Walmart, I found that I had nothing in my shopping cart.

How to be a good gringo

I think foreign nationals, or mostly the gringo communities in Mexico, believe they have no right to complain about anything happening here. At the very least, many of us just aren’t sure. So what’s okay?

Little-known conspiracy theories ... proofed

Sad to say, serious investigating into conspiracy theories hasn’t yet happened, even though we all know things are going on behind our backs, hidden or disguised, and all good people are left out of the loop.