Last updateFri, 14 Jun 2024 9am


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Meeting Don Pedrito, Ahualulco’s cinder sculptor

In the Montessori approach to education, children exposed to sensorial activities and materials develop heightened senses of touch, taste, sight, sound and smell, potentially awakening unexpected talents and opening doors to careers their parents might never have imagined for them.

The best hikes from Guadalajara

Over the past months—with the collaboration of outdoor enthusiasts living in different parts of Mexico—I’ve listed some excellent hikes you can do from San Miguel de Allende, Monterrey and Queretaro, not to mention several really spectacular ones you can do inside Mexico City, without ever leaving town.

Charros & mariachi: a pleasing September artistic combo

For the past three decades, at the end of each summer, Guadalajara has hosted its famous International Mariachi and Charreria Festival, featuring grand concerts, recitals, fiestas and “Mexican rodeos”—with many events now taking place all around the state and not just in the metropolitan area.