Last updateFri, 14 Jun 2024 9am


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Daring the Delta strain

Am I the only one noticing a lot of risky behavior going on in our community these days? Last I heard, the coronavirus pandemic is not only still with us, but now surging in a new wave with the virulent Delta strain.

Damning in the dark

The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry, the age old adage says. And so it was while I was furiously cranking out copy as this week’s Reporter deadline loomed just hours away.

Aggravations & euphoria

Our collective obsession with Covid-19 reached a fevered pitch last week as word spread that dates had finally been set to run the second round of inoculations for Chapala’s over-60 population.

Adapting to unknown territory

Judging by off-the-wall comments floating around in cyberspace these days, it’s obvious that newbie immigrants at lakeside and others who have been here for a while ought to make an effort to get their bearings in terms of local geography, Mexican history and long-held customs in the communities they’ve chosen to inhabit.