Last updateFri, 03 May 2024 10am


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Sticking to #FactsFirst

The current uproar over a presumed rise in crime is troubling many lakeside area residents. While keeping tabs on the local grapevine, I’m finding that hard facts are hard to come by.

Campaign fever rises

While Mexican citizens have been muddling over expectations for the 2018 national, state and local elections for many months, most resident expats at lakeside have remained blissfully oblivious to the hottest topic on the nation’s social agenda.

What’s in a name?

Not long ago, as the Reporter’s lakeside staff sat around chewing the fat at a rare social gathering, a colleague remarked that he was mystified by the title of this section of the newspaper.

Talking with Jesus

It’s not every day that I get to talk Jesus, and after the venomous tirade I penned last week I was more than ready for dialogue with the world’s number one proponent of brotherly love.

Wrong way, Dude!

An unpleasant encounter with a wayward expat driver compelled me to switch from my intended upbeat writing on flowering jacaranda trees and other lovely signs of Spring to a darker topic.

Drooling for Lent’s culinary delights

Although the 40-day period of Lent is meant to be a time of penance and fasting, one of the guilty pleasures of the season is savoring the wonderful culinary specialties Mexican cooks whip up only at this time of year.