Last updateFri, 21 Jun 2024 11am


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Pathway opens to explore Chapala mountain range

Jalisco’s Ministry of the Environment and Territorial Development (Semadet) has formally opened the Sendero Trojes-Chupinaya-Barranca Travesaño, a 6.5-kilometer hiking trail crossing part of the protected hydrological and forest area situated in the mountain range running above Lake Chapala’s north shore.

Rainy season good to Lake Chapala

Lake Chapala benefited from above average precipitation registered during the 2015 rainy season, recuperating 1.45 meters on the water elevation scale during the wet summer and fall months, up by 16 centimeters compared to last year.

LCS sets second student aid summit

Maintaining its commitment to enhance educational opportunities for worthy Mexican students of limited means, the Lake Chapala Society (LCS) will host a second mini-summit for organizations and individuals involved in local financial aid programs. The date is Wednesday, December 16, 10 a.m. to noon, at the LCS campus.