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City Living - June 27, 2014

St Mark’s Independence Day

Don’t miss the gala 4th of July celebration at Saint Mark’s Anglican Church on Sunday, July 6.

For a 70-peso donation, you can feast on homemade barbecued pork sandwiches, ranch-style beans, chips, watermelon and lemonade; beer and wine will be available for a nominal fee.

Join the fun and games, including a bean bag toss, a three-legged race and much more. The rector, Father Jim Priddy, will be defending his two-year reign as the watermelon seed-spitting champion of Western Mexico with a record of 21 feet, 2 inches. Can you unseat the champion this year?

Wear red, white and blue for the grand event on Sunday, July 6, 2 p.m. Saint Mark’s is located at the corner of Aztecas and Chichimecas, kitty-corner across from the UAG Instituto de Ciencias Basicas (ICB). Call 3641-6620 or e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for tickets.


AMSOC July the Fourth

The American Society of Jalisco (Amsoc) celebrates Canada Day and U.S. Independence Day on Saturday, July 5 with red, white and blue decorations and a menu of beef or chicken burgers, potato salad, green salad and ice cream. A 50/50 raffle will be held and great door prizes are on offer. Come early and watch the World Cup quarter-final match at 11 a.m. or after the luncheon, stay and watch the second quarter-final at 3 p.m. Coffee will be available, the bar will be open early and popcorn will be ready. The cost for the luncheon, served at 1:30 p.m., is 100 pesos per person. Amsoc is located at San Franciso 3332, in Colonia Chapalita. Call 3121-2395 for more information.


Tourism Fair

Jalisco municipalities, tour operators and tourism service providers will gather in the Plaza Fundadores behind the Degollado Theater this weekend to showcase their services in the second edition of the “Jalisco es turismo para todos” expo.

This is the ideal place to learn  about close-at-hand places such as San Sebastián del Oeste, Ciudad Guzmán, Mascota, San Juan de los Lagos and Tequila, among others.

While primarily aimed at the local tourist in search of  affordable summer excursions, there will be plenty of information on hand for foreigners looking for off-the -beaten path places to visit in Jalisco.

There will be 72 stands set up in the plaza over the three days of the open-air fair. Expect Sunday to be a busy day as giant screens will be erected in the Plaza Liberacion facing the theater for the Mexico-Holland World Cup game kicking off at 11 a.m.

The fair runs Friday, July 27 through Sunday, July 29, from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily.


Another park for dogs

Zapopan’s second doggie park opened in the neighborhood of La Calma last Sunday.  The park is an initiative of #RedParques Caninos, a citizens’ group that pioneered the municipality’s first park for dogs in Colonia Tabachines.   The 400-square-meter space was donated – but not equipped – by the Zapopan government. Three private pet-related companies supplied games for the pooches.   #RedParques Caninos plans to open another space for dogs in the city’s large Parque Metropolitano, and in 12 other Jalisco municipalities, including Tonala, Tlaquepaque, Puerto Vallarta and Ciudad Guzman.


Revamped park to open

After a two-year rehab recess, Guadalajara’s Parque Rehilete Alcalde will reopen to the public next week.  The first stage of the revamp included a new children’s play area with all the activities crafted from recycled wood, an exercise zone for adults, and upgrades to the park’s fountain, lake and green areas. 

City hall has pumped 22 million pesos into the renovations so far, and plans to plow another 38 million into the second stage of the project, which will see refurbishing of the pedestrian walkways and and the addition of a new tourist “train.” 

Visitors to the park will no longer find the mechanical children’s attractions of the past, which had previously been operated by a concessionary.  The Guadalajara municipality is now totally responsible for the operation of the park, located at Jesus Garcia and Mariano Barcena.

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