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Weekly Worship - March 11, 2017

Lake Chapala Baptists

Says Brother Bob Hendrick: “Mrs. McGaugh, teacher of the eighth grade advanced English and Literature class of Angleton Junior High, asked if anyone wanted to write a weekly article for the town newspaper informing the plebeians of the good things happening in public school. Mine was the only hand that was lifted in surrender to the challenge. Many more felt called to the ministry of information when they found out there was pay for the work. It was quite an enterprise finding all the five-W’s- and -H’s, getting names spelled correctly, writing it all out in long hand, and submitting it by deadline. I learned to look forward to the end of the six-week grading periods because I got to submit seventh and eighth grade honor rolls as news for my Junior High Highlights column. And, since I got paid by the column inch, I always pulled for the scholarly success of young people; especially those with compound given names (Bobby Joe, Peggy Sue) and multisyllabic surnames. My first regular paying job was to report good news. My last job is, too.”

Weekly Worship - March 4, 2017

HU Chant

Chanting HU, an ancient name for the Divine, while in a contemplative state, is a simple technique to open your heart to greater happiness, love, inner peace and understanding.

Dog awareness signs available

A local animal activism organization has launched a range of signs they hope will be placed in 1,000 locations around Guadalajara and its environs to raise awareness about responsible dog ownership.