Last updateSat, 18 May 2024 9am


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Female cops attacked by drunk drivers during breath test stops

Jalisco Traffic Police Commissioner Francisco Poe Morales made the decision after two cops were subjected to physical aggression last weekend.

In both incidents, police officers were summoned and the culprits hauled off to municipal cells.

In one case, a driver punched and bit a female officer after he refused to give a breath test.  In the other, the female companion of a driver asked to take the test slammed the car door against an officer, causing her injury.

Poe also announced that 30 additional officers will be trained to take part in the operations, set up mostly on major city avenues from 11 p.m. from Thursdays through Sundays.  The new recruits will start work in November, when Poe said the one-year-old program will be “extended.”

In “Salvando Vidas,” drivers found with breath alcohol levels exceeding the permitted limit (approximately four to five drinks) are taken to special cells and incarcerated for 36 hours. The intoxicated drivers can also be hit with heavy fines.

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