Last updateFri, 10 May 2024 9am


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Student union embroiled in metro-area murder scandal

The murky world of student politics in Guadalajara was exposed last week as five bodies were found on the premises of an unofficial university union with a history of violence.

Zapopan to regulate mall parking

Parking up to a couple of hours in the Plaza Gallerias will set you back 19 pesos in fees. Watch a movie, have a meal, do some shopping, and you could face a 50-peso (or more) charge just for the privilege of leaving your car while you patronize the upscale mall.

Pawn shops record stunning two-year growth

The number of pawn shops opening in the metropolitan area has doubled in the past two years – a clear sign that all is not right with the family pocketbook.

Art museum moves ahead – slowly

The stalled project to build a modern art museum beside the Huentitan Canyon on the northern outskirts of Guadalajara received a boost this week after Jalisco Tourism Secretary Aurelio Lopez Rocha signed an agreement with Universidad de Guadalajara (UDG) Rector Marco Cortes that pledges to respect the integrity of the park adjoining the projected museum location overlooking the canyon.

Fearless Santa

Father Christmas is taking time out from delivering presents this year to engage in a brave bout of swimming in the shark tank at the Guadalajara Zoo.

Creative marketing with a ring of truth

Will customers care to buy furniture after a satirical comment on economic woe?This store in downtown Guadalajara offering cut-price office furnishings is making a gambit that lighthearted attention will outweigh the sting of truth.

Zapopan takes aim at gas stations

Zapopan city hall is finally taking action over Pemex gas stations built close to residential homes, businesses and schools in violation of municipal codes.