Last updateFri, 03 May 2024 10am


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Hand-picked candidates sweep delegado elections

The five candidates considered to have run with tacit backing from Chapala city hall came out on top in the public referendums to designate town administrators (delegados) in Ajijic, Atotonilquillo, San Antonio Tlayacapan, San Nicolás de Ibarra and Santa Cruz de la Soledad held Sunday, June 5.

Chuni Medeles wins Ajijic delegado vote

Ajijic voters favored Jesús “Chuni” Medeles Córdova as the candidate of choice in the June 5 referendum for the position of town administrator (delegado). Medeles racked up 635 votes among the 1,344 valid ballots cast in Sunday’s election. He defeated his closest rival, Cristina Gómez Padilla, by 114 votes. Alejandro Martínez Velázquez placed a distant third with 188 votes.

Hot seasonal fashions at LCS

Local fashion designer Alma Gutierrez showed off her talent for creating flattering outfits for real women of every size and shape at the Lake Chapala Society’s  May 28 Spring Fashion Show. 

Chapala mayor under fire for ecocide

Social activist Esther Solano has launched a movement to collect signatures calling for the state congress to initiate a juicio politico (impeachment proceeding) against Chapala Mayor Javier Degollado for allowing the massive butchering of local trees.