Last updateFri, 21 Jun 2024 11am


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Candidate offers dialogue with expats

Alejandro Aguirre Curiel, the Partido Acción Nacional (PAN) candidate in Chapala’s mayoral race, will reach out to the expatriate community at an open forum scheduled Tuesday, June 12, 10 a.m., at the Chula Vista Country Club.

Chapala main drag to close for Sunday races

Avenida Madero, Chapala’s central north-south artery, will be closed to vehicular traffic early Sunday, June 10, to make way for the Carrera Colores y Valores por la Familia, a family-oriented foot race series organized by the Octavio Paz University Campus.

Chapala wine fest to showcase Tesla cars

In addition to sampling a wide selection of fine wines and gourmet taste treats, visitors at next weekend’s Vid Forum wine festival will have an opportunity to view and test drive several models of Tesla electric cars now available on the Mexican market.

Lopez Obrador fires up Lakeshore sympathizers

Projecting confidence of victory in the up-coming national election, presidential front-runner Andrés Manuel López Obrador concluded a 40-minute speech to a thundering crowd of supporters gathered May 19 at the Jocotepec Malecón with a pledge to return to the lakeshore town before assuming office next December to lay out his development and investment plan for the region.