Last updateFri, 21 Jun 2024 11am


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Pemex hails major oil find

Delegates at a major oil sector conference in Guadalajara learned this week that state-owned Pemex has discovered huge reserves in the Gulf of Mexico that could yield up to 200,000 barrels a day.

PRI & PAN feel voters’ wrath as Jalisco turns orange

Despite a few isolated incidents, election day in Jalisco went off smoothly, with “nothing out of the ordinary” to report, according to Jalisco Electoral Institute (IEPC) President Carlos Manuel Rodriguez. Police arrested 40 people for “administrative violations” and most were subsequently released on bail.   

National coach’s tweets put Mexican soccer corruption under microscope

As Mexico went to the polls last Sunday, national soccer team manager Miguel Herrera and several high-profile players tweeted their support for the controversial Green Party of Mexico, in flagrant violation of the Mexican Football Federation’s own code of ethics and the national law forbidding campaigning three days before the election.