Last updateFri, 21 Mar 2025 8am


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Ciclovia Sense & Sensibilty

It’s been something like ten years since the Chapala-Jocotepec Ciclovia cycling trail was introduced as an alternative to motorized transportation. Back then government officials took plenty of flak from folks who thought it was a harebrained scheme.

Ajijic merchants whose businesses sit at the side of the highway griped about the potential of losing convenient parking spaces. Their assumption was essentially correct.

Some expat residents said it was a waste of government money for a project that would get very little use. They got it dead wrong.

PG16Keep an eye out any day of the week and you’ll see scores of cyclists pedaling along the track. Local workers get to and from their places of employment in relative safety during morning and evening traffic rush hours. Weekend Tapatio visitors regularly enjoy family excursions on two wheels.  And foreign immigrants and visitors get out and about every day to accomplish daily errands and go for pleasure rides, more so now that e-bikes are readily available on the local market.

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