Monday, February 24 is Mexico’s Día de La Bandera.
Mexico pays special tribute to the nation’s flag on February 24. Honors to the tricolor banner are also practiced almost daily throughout the rest of the year.
But paying tribute to the national banner is not something reserved for a once-a-year occasion. On the contrary, honores a la bandera are practiced almost daily throughout the calendar year. It is a ritual that invariably precedes intoning the national anthem at the start of official ceremonies, civic festivities, sporting events and some other types of public gatherings.
All of the country’s public and private schools are required to have a Mexican flag on campus for use in civic acts, such as obligatory flag ceremonies held every Monday morning and on days designated as the start and finish of the academic cycle. Each one names a platoon of students to form its escolta color guard, trained in the proper manner to handle and carry the flag in marching form.
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