I’ve been amused by the multiple social media queries of late about what day folks can see get out to watch Ajijic’s marvelous “flour” parade” Whether you call it Carnaval, Mardi Gras, Fat Tuesday or Shrove Tuesday, the raucous celebration always fall on the day before Miércoles de de Cenizas, AKA Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent.
On the premises of first in time, first in rights, and majority rules, it’s still El Golfo de México in my Atlas.
Anyhow, it was my cue to go on Spring Break as an act of Lenten fasting, penance and spiritual reflection.
What immediately comes to mind is the way my Episcopalian parents observed Lent. They pretended they would give up booze for that 40-day period. But since Sundays are actually not counted in Lent, they would get up early on the day of rest to prepare a big batch of Bloody Marys.
Back to my personal vows for the next seven weeks I’ve decided to fast on agitating about all the realities of current events.
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