Last updateFri, 26 Jul 2024 9am


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Drinking, driving & long division

The holidays are fast approaching. Dining out at Lakeside and driving in the dark has become a matter for pre-planning, responsible drinking, and how to take your margaritas and anxiety meds with meals.

To say nothing of the sudden enforcement of drinking and driving regulations at Lakeside.

Driving while drunk in Mexico is a serious offense and if a motorist is found to be driving over the legal alcohol limit, he or she could be sent to prison, depending on their blood alcohol level and if their car appeared to be dancing on the road.

Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) is a standard measure of the ethanol in your blood. And since the body does not produce this ethanol on its own, it is required by most of us to take natural supplements such as tequila shooters.

These BAC measurements refer to milligrams of ethanol per millimeter of blood (mg/ml). If your measurement is too high you could be stopped. That would be a 0.08 percent BAC limit before any Mexican law is broken.

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