An old Mexican belief claims that on Christmas Eve the animals will lie about the barn and speak with one another about the way of the world. This newspaper gets an exclusive on it every year.
One familiar with this year’s annual summit but wishes to remain anonymous and free-range picked the summit up from social media E-I-E-I-O, formerly known as Old McDonald’s.
The conference:
Scruffy Goat found his voice worriedly: “You know, we lost more fellow-creatures again this year — and the vaquitas in the Sea of Cortez are almost gone. Trapped in greedy fishing nets.” Then the Rabbit they all jokingly call Peter (even though his name is Richard) quickly added, “The poor things are trying like crazy to reproduce and live on ... until the poor females started claiming headaches every night. Sad.”
“Yeah, so who will be next to go?” Old Milk Cow sighed.
Donkey then stuck his head in at the barn window. “This all makes me wonder. Anybody here believe in reincarnation?”
“Yeah, I do,” Rat squealed. “I want to come back as a human. Is that possible?”
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