Last updateFri, 07 Mar 2025 4pm


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The end of the world and who saw it coming

It’s in the air. Can you feel it? Something’s coming. Something big. Yes, it’s the end of the world.

And I’m not just talking about climate change. The end can happen in so many ways, so I’ll be quoting some of the predictions made by famous people who have looked into our future. Here goes:

Cassandra: Our solar system will be changing. Earth is moving farther away from the sun. And whole species are going to die off as a result. So if you ask your pet store when a new batch of endangered long-haired gerbils is coming in and he tries to sell you one that keeps falling off his exercise wheel, that would be the process unfolding firsthand.


Nostradamus: He had extraordinary foresight and predicted hundreds of years ago that Russia would threaten everybody with nuclear weapons and, worse, with North Korean soldiers itching for a war. Despite suffering thousands of casualties, the visiting Korean soldiers will be signing up in droves, finding out that the war in Ukraine is “like a garden party compared to a day at home.”

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