Have you ever noticed that nobody writes books or makes movies about good people doing good things? Saints. Humanitarians. Pacifists. And so on. Do you remember ever reading, “The Quintessential Mother Teresa – Uncensored”?
The reason is these lives are so helpful, hopeful, charitable and loving that nobody gives a damn. It just isn’t entertaining.
Look at St. Joseph, patron saint of virgins (not making this up), a poor soul who endured terrible humiliation with grace and tolerance. No biography. Rarely seen in the multitude of holy family paintings. And no wearable medallions depicting him with his saw. Now, if St. Joseph had decided to bribe the three wise men—maybe to declare to the world, “Wow, the baby looks just like his father,” and then nail them with a barn rake if they refused—we’d have something to write about.
Later in the Catholic canon, we seldom hear about Joseph. He rarely shows up in portraits or sculptures, and is usually somewhere in the background of Renaissance paintings, looking confused.
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