Last updateFri, 10 Jan 2025 1pm


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Can often-maligned dolphin therapy really change lives?

Dolphin Assisted Therapy (DAT) is based on the idea that spending time with dolphins can help treat a range of human health problems.

pg8aAmong the few places in the world that offer DAT (which, they stress, is not a substitute for medical treatment) is Recinto Maya Kay, located in Jocotepec at the northwest end of Lake Chapala.

The medical profession mostly dismisses dolphin therapy and the frequent claims of its efficacy by the parents of children with autism or other disorders.

“There’s no evidence that dolphin therapy produces any long-term effects on the symptoms of any major disorders,” state psychologists Scott Lilienfeld and Lori Marino in a report on DAT by Dina Fine Maron, published by National Geographic in 2021.

By evidence, members of the medical profession apparently mean peer-reviewed comparative studies involving large numbers of participants, such as those carried out by pharmaceutical companies.

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