Last updateFri, 14 Feb 2025 2pm


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Cerro de la Reina offers ‘smog-filtered’ view of Guadalajara

For a while, I had been searching for a great vantage point to take in the ever-expanding city of Guadalajara.

pg9aI heard El Cerro de la Higuera, near Mascuala, was an ideal spot, so I ventured up its rough road to the microwave tower at the summit. Unfortunately, my excitement turned to dismay when I saw what resembled more of a sprawling garbage dump than a city. Later, I tried another high point in the Primavera Forest, where I could see only a thick cloud of brown smog far in the distance. Beneath that shroud lay the “City of Roses,” a view I’d rather forget than photograph.

Then my neighbor David shared a suggestion:

“John, have you ever been to El Cerro de la Reina Cihualpilli in Tonalá? It’s the first place I take visitors to Guadalajara. The view is incredible!”

That caught me off guard, and I wondered—who exactly was Queen Cihualpilli (pronounced See-wall-PEEL-y)?

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