Last updateFri, 03 May 2024 10am


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Privilege and Poverty Part II

I have always been troubled by people who emigrate to lakeside and flaunt their wealth — big haciendas, fancy cars, restaurant dining every night — and turn their lives into a show of privilege.

The insider story of soccer

Mexico has caused quite an excitement here with its recent showing in World Cup Soccer, enhancing a world record for advancements into the Group of 16, the finals – and beating out the record-setting political assassinations in Mexico for media ratings.

The e-mail distopia

After examining about a week of my emails not long ago, I realized how far we’ve come from the lovely hand-written letters we wrote when writing was an art.

Microbe mysteries

Over the past several months, just about everyone I know came down with what everybody loves to call a “stomach flu.” Well, this condition is sometimes as confusing to doctors as it is to victims.