Honores a la Bandera
Monday, February 24 is Mexico’s Día de La Bandera.
Monday, February 24 is Mexico’s Día de La Bandera.
It’s been something like ten years since the Chapala-Jocotepec Ciclovia cycling trail was introduced as an alternative to motorized transportation. Back then government officials took plenty of flak from folks who thought it was a harebrained scheme.
Wine fest
Fine wines from 24 premier wineries will be showcased at the fifth edition of the Vid Forum festival, Saturday, February 8 and Sunday, February 9 at Chapala’s Club de Yates, located at Paseo Ramón Corona 1, in the waterfront restaurant zone just past the intersection with Avenida La Cristianía.
Donald Trump has kicked off his second term as U.S. president by implementing a promised full blown assault on the nation’s immigrant population.
Proverbs say good intentions are the building materials for the road to Hell. That got me wondering about how many folks have already ditched their New Year’s resolutions.
It’s safe to say that anyone who came from abroad at least five years ago to reside at lakeside no longer counts as a newcomer.
In the week when millions of North Americans are focused of gorging themselves on roast turkey and all the trimmings, it might be perfect time to seriously think about the bounty represented by the annual Thanksgiving holiday