Last updateFri, 10 May 2024 9am


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St. Andrew’s to share 140,000 pesos

St. Andrew’s Anglican Church will disperse funds mostly raised at last  December’s annual Regalorama yard sale on Sunday, March 17, at about 12:30 p.m. in the church garden. The total is 140,000 pesos divided between nine local charities. They are: Centro Desarrollo Jocotepec, Love in Action Children’s Shelter, Cruz Roja Mexicana (Red Cross), Hogar de Annabel de Vallejo, Hope House, Los Niños de Chapala y Ajijic, Programa pro Niños Incapacitados del Lago, Tepehua Centro Comunitario and UVA Scholarship Fund (University & Vocational Assistance).

The money will have specific uses at the various charities.  For example, St. Andrew’s donation will pay for the cost of four school workshops at Sylvia Flores’ Centro Desarrollo, five large asbestos water tanks at the Love in Action Shelter, a new emergency telephone system and computer for the doctors’ office at the Cruz Roja, four sets of bunk beds at the Hogar de Annabel and basketball equipment for the new playground at the Tepehua Center.

In addition, the St. Andrew’s donation will provide a one-year scholarship for a nursing student in the UVA program, enable three students in the Niños de Chapala y Ajijic program to complete another semester at school and purchase covers for the aquaponics system at Hope House.                                   

Meanwhile, Niños Incapacitados will use the donation to help a child of their choice.The church thanks the hundreds of volunteers and customers who made the Regalorama such a great success. 

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