Last updateFri, 03 May 2024 10am


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Empowering girls in the time of Covid

It may seem as is life is on hold, but the pandemic and the changes it has brought have not stopped ChangeMakers/Creando Cambios from moving ahead.

pg16aThe purpose of this new Lakeside program is to help girls to become successful in their chosen fields by assisting with education, information and personal support. The girls, in turn, strengthen their communities by sharing their skills and knowledge with others.

ChangeMakers helps girls who are motivated, talented and resourceful change the trajectory of their lives by providing the tools they need to realize those dreams. This is done by supporting them in whatever ways are needed. It includes both formal lessons, practical experiences, and mentoring so that they will develop the skills and attitudes necessary.

They will learn time and personal finance management skills. English classes are provided both online and now “live.” Community service projects are developed by the girls to help them see the value of altruism. Formal lessons help each girl realize who she is, how her friends and family impact her self-image and dreams, and what she can do to change herself and help those around her meet their own challenges.

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