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Weekly Worship - November 18, 2023

Lake Chapala Jewish Congregation

A Chanukah party will be held Thursday, December 7, 3 to 5 p.m. at the Lake Chapala Jewish Congregation, Santa Margarita #113, Riberas del Pilar.Hosted by Lake Chapala Jewish Congregation.

A message from the Host: Let’s celebrate Chanukah together! The fun, food and laughter start at 3 p.m., on Thursday, December 7th. There will be latkes, lots more food, dreidels, games, prizes and of course, lighting as many menorahs (technically, they are called chanukia) as we can! Feel free to bring your menorah/chanukia and candles to take part.

Members: 300 pesos, all others: 400 pesos.

R.S.V.P. and payment required by Tuesday, November 28. Pay at the synagogue Tuesday, November 21 (LCJC Game Day) or Tuesday, November 28, between 2 and 5 pm on both days, or contact surgarfreeme @hotmail.com  for other arrangements.

Join us the first and third Saturday at 10 a.m., live and zoom for services.
Join us live the second and fourth Friday for service and potluck at 6 p.m.
Contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
.">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Website is LakeChapalaJewishConregation.com.

Christian Science Group

You are invited to attend our Testimony Meetings every first and third Wednesday of the month at 12 p.m. at Cinco de Mayo 3, Ajijic. The one hour meeting begins with readings from the Bible and the Christian Science textbook “Science & Health with Key to the Scriptures” by Mary Baker Eddy, followed by testimonies of spiritual healing that have resulted from the study and practice of Christian Science. For more information visit www.christianscienceajijic. org or call 331-155-4733. All are welcome.

Little Chapel by the Lake

Sunday, November 19, at the 11 a.m. service, we welcome Ivan Pickett as our guest speaker. He will be preaching on “Psa 51:12a “Restore to me the joy of your salvation...”

David isn’t saying “Restore my salvation.” No, he wants the joy back he had in his salvation. He had sunk into sin and was now miserable. He confessed his sin but was still miserable. Thus, his plea – “Restore my joy!”

The same may be true with us. We are Christians but we don’t have joy in our life. It’s not something we like to talk about personally, nor in church. It is taboo. But the fact is—Christians can lose their joy and even become depressed.

Is there a difference between happiness and joy? Happiness is when good “haps” are coming your way. “Hap” is Middle English meaning “chance, hap, luck, or fortune.”

Suffering is not a good “hap.” Joy is stronger and less common than happiness. It can be had while suffering.

“…the joy of the LORD is your strength.” (Nehemiah 8:10b).  Proverbs 24:10 “If you falter in a time of trouble how small is your strength!” The conclusion to maintain joy or strength: Stay close to God.

Little Chapel is located on the Ajijic-Chapala highway 10 in Chula Vista. A Grace meal is held after the service, with the main dish provided, accompanying dishes of whatever you bring.

Little Chapel information: 376-766-2538.

Donations for our mission in San Juan Tecomatlan are always gladly accepted via the big purple box in front of the Chapel. Thank you for continuing to contribute via your donations.

Tuesday’s Bible discussion is suspended until November 28.

Heart of Awareness Buddhist Community

The Heart of Awareness Buddhist Community offers opportunities to meditate together at the Practice Center (Guadalupe Victoria 101, Ajijic) on Sundays and Wednesdays.  Chairs and cushions are provided.  All are welcome regardless of experience or affiliation.  Donations are appreciated.

Sunday, November 19, the Center is open from 9-10am for sitting and walking meditation. We begin with 30 minutes of sitting meditation practice, 15 minutes of walking, and 15 minutes sitting.

Wednesday, November 22, 4 to 6:30 p.m. From 4 to 5 p.m., we offer an hour of meditation practice consisting of 30 minutes sitting, 15 minutes of walking, and 15 minutes sitting.  We will listen to a video Dharma talk by Jack Kornfield on Gratitude and Generosity, followed by time for discussion.

You can also join us on Zoom for the entire session and the link can be found at heartofawareness.org.

Thursday November 23, our Practice/Book Study group, open to all, meets from 1 to 2:30 p.m. We are reading “Welcoming the Unwelcomed” by Pema Chrödron. You do not need the book to participate.

St. Andrew’s Anglican Episcopal Church

Sunday, November 19, Rev. James Twyman will preach and celebrate.  The service begins at 10 a.m.

November 12th was St. Andrew’s “Outreach Grant” Sunday, when grants totaling 403,588 pesos were distributed to nine deserving Lakeside charities. A day of true celebration!

Friday, November 17, 4 p.m., St. Andrew’s Choir Master/organist Rodrigo Leal, willperform a free concert at St. Andrew’s.

Pastor Michelle will offer an Advent Lectionary and Art Study series for five consecutive Wednesdays at 10 a.m., at St. Andrew’s; the series will run from November 22 through December 20. The discussions will cover Advent lectionary readings and the wonderfully diverse art associated with the texts.

To join, please contact Michelle asap, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or by text at 333-033-4121.

St. Andrew’s live streams Sunday services and sermon highlights and also publishes daily inspiration, parish news and events on its Facebook page: St Andrews Anglican Lake Chapala.

To become part of the parish, contact Rev. Michelle at: standrewsparishlakeside @gmail.com. Office hours are Monday and Thursday, 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Lakeside Presbyterian Sunday, November 19, Pastor Carolyn will tell us about the “Bread of Heaven.”

When Jesus miraculously fed 5,000 people with five small loaves of barley bread and two fish, he was suddenly at his peak of popularity. The free food certainly got the crowd’s attention. People were ready to take him by force and make him their king. What happens next comes a surprise. Most of us would love to be king. Instead, Jesus seemed to deliberately provoke the people—and almost all of them left him. If you think Jesus was merely a great teacher we should all emulate, you may change your mind when you hear his message from the Gospel of John, chapter 6. Many people were so offended by his words, they turned against him.

The English language service is at 9:30 a.m., which also streams live at facebook.com/LPCChapala.

Everyone is welcome to Wednesday drop-in Bible study.

If you need a ride, or more information, call 376-106-0853 before 4 p.m. on Thursday.

There is coffee and refreshments after the service in the Narthex.

Calle San Jorge 250 in Riberas del Pilar.

Heritage Baptist Church

Who am I, and why am I here? In the fifth century B.C. the Jewish people needed a reminder of who they were and why they existed. After rebuilding the walls and hanging the gates, they had to inhabit the city, but the people all had their homes outside of Jerusalem. They had to leave their homes in the villages. They would have to build new houses. God wants you and I to put our lives in the center of kingdom living and kingdom building. Today Christians are outside the city walls so to speak and only visit on Sundays. Their homes are not in the city. They have one foot outside the city. We are to invest in other people for the sake of the glory of God, to build the kingdom of God, to seek to produce holiness in our own lives and in one another. You’re asked by Christ to pour out your life for others, to be there for them, to love them and to serve them.

Heritage Baptist Church meets upstairs at the Presbyterian Church in Riberas del Pilar Sundays at 11:15 a.m.: Prayer, then the Word at 11:45 a.m. Wednesdays: Bible study at 3 p.m. Info: 333-016-3743, HeritageBaptistChurchMexico@ gmail.com, or visit our Facebook page.

Christ Church Lakeside

Christ Church Lakeside, a parish of the Diocese of the West in the Anglican Church of Mexico will observe the twenty-fifth Sunday after Pentecost, November 19, by celebrating the Holy Eucharist in person and via Zoom, 10:30 a.m., in our location with the red door and windows next door to the Smokehouse Restaurant. Rev. Michael Schirmacher will be the celebrant and give the message.  Those wishing to gather for brunch after the service will meet at the Casa Linda Restaurant, Rio Bravo 7, Ajijic. 376-108-0887.

The Loaves and Fishes food distribution will be held Tuesday, November 21, 11:30 a.m. at calle Jesus Garcia 11 in San Antonio Tlayacapan. More information, contact Al Ramos, 332-3134-1282, or email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

A Bible Study, hosted by Rev. Danny Borkowski, will be held via Zoom on Wednesday, November 22, 1:30 p.m. All are invited to attend, learn about the inspired contents of the Bible, and share their insights with each other.

If you wish to attend either the Holy Eucharist and/or the Bible Study, contact Rev. Jim Powers at jimminap @gmail.com, or 322-356-0382 for the ID and password.

Unitarian UniversalistFellowship

Sunday, November 19, Cate Howell will expond on “A Unique Faith, Open to All, Exclusive to None.”

Western history has a long tradition of different religions laying claim to an exclusive truth and restricting membership and participation to a chosen few, who then must participate in a designated ritual to certify their acceptance into that community. Unitarian Universalism is the only religious faith that does not hold to a specific creed, that welcomes seekers of truth regardless of their origins, and provides a positive outlook for the future through social action and serving as a public conscience. This service will explore the earliest manifestations of this faith in Eastern Europe during the 15th and 16th centuries.

LCUUF services are Sundays, 10:30 a.m. at Hidalgo 261, Riberas del Pilar, next to Doppio Café, across the road from the Catholic Church.

Lake Chapala Baptist

“Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves” (Romans 12:10).

Accepting is different from approving, condoning, or even tolerating bad behavior. Acceptance is an act of the heart in which we recognize that, despite someone’s behavior, he or she has value in God’s sight, and we honor that. But this can be a hard thing to do! There are many ways to communicate acceptance to people. One of them is to listen to them with patience and compassion and receive them with love in the name of Jesus. Another is to refrain from mental condemnation and judgments, from constantly evaluating and analyzing (those things keep us from loving). We must take captive those thoughts of condemnation toward others, and submit to God. As we draw near to Him, we ask Him to love through us.  

Lake Chapala Baptist Church is at Santa Margarita 147, Riberas del Pilar. English-language worship service is at 10:45 a.m. The Spanish-language worship service is at 12:30 p.m. Phone 331-608-0856.

Satsang with Noris:

The Peace You Can Offer is the theme Sunday, November 26, 2 to 4 p.m., at Hogar de Madre, Aquiles Serdan 5 (Blue door) between calles Zaragoza and Hidalgo in Ajijic.

During Satsang we investigate and discover what in us is yearning for peace, what is ready to give its all for gaining peace, and what is already in peace…

The peace that is alive in you is already here. It doesn’t belong to the past or to the future.

Spiritual teacher Noris Binet facilitates Meditative Self-Awareness and Self-Inquiry to support spiritual awakening and self-realization. She is in the Advaita, non-dual tradition under the lineage of Ramana Maharshi and—for 23-years--her root teacher Gangaji.

Noris is a psycho/spiritual therapist holding an honoris causa doctorate in counseling and philosophy from the IIHS in Montreal, Canada.

Abundant Life Church

How tempting is it for you to seek revenge. We may say, not at all, because revenge sounds so strong but in a way giving the silent treatment or withholding something that the other person wants can be a type of revenge. This Sunday, November 19, we take a look at revenge and discover why God insists that we not engage in it. You may be surprised what God actually wants us to do as well as what He plans on doing in the end.

Abundant Life Church is affiliated with the Assemblies of God of Mexico and has services for everyone.  Weekly Sunday worship services start at 10:30 a.m.

Services are on the Facebook page as well as the YouTube channel. The 10:30 a.m. English services schedule is at abuntandtlifechapala.com. Bible study in English is held at 11 a.m. each Wednesday. Carretera 140, San Antonio Tlayacapan, just a block from SuperLake.

Seventh-Day Adventist

The Lakeside Chapala Seventh-day Adventist Church invites you to share a good time together.

The appointment is every Saturday, 10 a.m. for fellowship and singing. 10:30 a.m. for a shared biblical study and at 11:30 a.m. the main worship service.

Help with transportation; WhatsApp 642-161-4143 or e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Information: www.LakesideChapalaSDA.org.

Carretera Chapala-Ajijic No. 10, Fracc. Chula Vista, Chapala.

Grace Church Chapala

Grace Church Chapala is a Christian Church located in the Bravo Theatre building at 441 Hidalgo in Riberas del Pilar. We welcome you to worship Jesus Christ with us on Sunday’s at 10 a.m. Our praise music is a contemporary style. We host an open Bible study on Tuesdays at 10 a.m.  

Led by the teaching of Pastor Alan Pohl we strive to be faithful followers of Jesus Christ. Grace supports an outreach ministry to the children of Mezcala. You will find a friendly welcome here with opportunities to connect with other believers and to serve God. Information: GraceChapalamx.church.  

St. Mark’s Anglican Episcopal Church GDL

Starting Sunday, November 19, until further notice Father James Twyman of Saint Andrew’s Anglican Episcopal Church at Lakeside will preach at SMAC at 1:30pm.

Lessons and Carols on December 10 and Christmas Eve services will be at 5:30pm and feature paid soloists. 

Chichimecas 836, corner of Aztecas, diagonally across the street from the UAG ICB Campus, Colonia Monraz, Guadalajara. Website: stmarksgdl.com/en.

Unity Namaste of Ajijic 

All are welcome every Sunday, noon, at Namaste Village, Angel Flores 5, Ajijic, or via Zoom through unitynamaste.org, and “meet and greet” hospitality starting at 11:30 a.m. A potluck supper is served after the service on the last Sunday of every month. 

Unity Namaste of Ajijic is an official Unity ministry chartered by Unity Worldwide Ministries. Information: unitynamaste. org.

San Andres Catholic Church 

Marcos Castellanos 14, Centro, Ajijic. English Mass Sundays 9 a.m. Information: Rose, +423-312-7468.

San Juan BautistaCatholic Church

English Mass- Sundays 9 a.m. Del Cardenal 25 Raquet Club, San Juan Cosala.

Lakeside CommunityFellowship

Independencia 159, (next to Fenix Realty), San Antonio, Tlayacapan.

Sunday service, 10 a.m.; Ladies Bible study, Tuesday, 10 a.m.; Men’s Bible study, Thursday, 10 a.m. Information: 332-208-9263.

Mezcala Christian Church

Pastor Lionel Sanchez and other area Christian pastors share and teach the love of Jesus every Saturday, 10 a.m. A delicious Grace meal is provided after every service. Transportation or carpooling at 9:15 a.m. from Walmart, Little Chapel by the Lake or Soriano parking lots available. Contact 970 219-5983 in advance via WhatsApp FaceTime or messenger.

Calle Hidalgo 251-B Mezcala (green building with burgundy cross).

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