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Weekly Worship - December 21, 2019

Little Chapel by the Lake

Sunday, December 22, Pastor Lahry will speak on the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and explain how they differ from the natural God given abilities that he has already provided us.

Stay after the service for a family-style comida.

A Christmas Eve service centered around the Gospel Story and the Christmas songs that go with it (a joint service with Christ Church) is scheduled December 24, 5:30 p.m.

Bible studies are held Tuesday, December 24, 10 a.m.

Conversational Spanish classes open to the public are held Friday, 1 p.m. and 2 p.m.

Saturday, 4 p.m., all are welcome to a “Sweet Hour of Prayer.”

Information: 376-766-2538.

St. Andrew’s Anglican

Sunday, December 22, the Reverend Dr. Jim Priddy will preside and preach at St. Andrew’s service of Holy Eucharist, 10 a.m. Coffee hour, a time of fellowship and welcome, follows the service.

Christmas Eve, Tuesday, December 24, Holy Eucharist begins at 4 p.m. St. Andrew’s traditional bonfire will be lit immediately after conclusion of the service.

Christmas Day, Wednesday, December 25, Holy Eucharist begins at 10 a.m.

The 2020 Episcopal calendar is now available at the parish office for 100 pesos each.

2020 offering envelopes are now available for use beginning Sunday, January 5.

Operation Feed welcomes donations of non-perishable food items every Sunday. Boxed milk and empty cardboard egg cartons are especially welcome, in addition to rice, beans, pasta, lentils, garbanzos, oats, oil and salt. The parish distributes the donations to Lakeside’s neediest families.

Decluttering? If so, don’t forget Todo Bueno. Donations or consignments benefit St. Andrew’s Outreach Ministry. Everything from clothing, kitchenware, electronics, books, furniture, appliances, collectibles to sports equipment are welcomed.

Todo Bueno is on the Carretera, just west of S&S Auto in Riberas del Pilar. Open 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday through Saturday.

Volunteers are needed to serve as sales clerks at Todo Bueno. Shifts include 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and 12:30 to 3 p.m., Monday through Saturday. Contact Patti Gonzales, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

St. Andrew’s is at Calle San Lucas 19, a block south of the Carretera in Riberas del Pilar.

Lakeside Presbyterian

Pastor Carolyn Hansen reminds us that Advent is the season of preparation — preparing our hearts to meet Jesus, the Messiah. Those who did this best during the first advent were women: Mary, of course, and Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist. They model the way to prepare for our own visitation from Jesus. Luke 1:26-38.

Communion is offered after service, Sunday, December 22.

A special service full of joyful music is planned for Christmas Eve service, Tuesday, December 24, 4 p.m.

The Freedom Chorale All-Christmas Show is Friday, December 20, 5-6 p.m. at the church. Enjoy both traditional and fun holiday songs. Very Christmassy! There will be a free-will offering.

There will be no Tuesday Drop-In 60’s Singalong on December 24.

The LPC nurse is onsite Mondays 1-3 p.m.

LPC outreach volunteers continue helping the needy. Items prepared for the season are crocheted hats, neck scarves, blankets, stuffed animals and earrings, for this month and next. The congregation appreciates the many donations received so far to fill the bags and make them extra special during this Christmas season. Thank you for your good work!  Donations of boxed milk, vegetables, fruit, nuts, cereals in bulk — adding nutrition and variety — are greatly appreciated always, but especially in this festive season.

Computer, sewing and ESL (English as a Second Language) classes for any Spanish speakers are offered Saturday 10 a.m. Can you help with ESL classes? Contact Pastor Guillermo at 331-247-0003.

Call Yoli Reyna, 331-604-1006 to arrange free transportation to and from church.

Lakeside Presbyterian Church, San Jorge 250, Riberas del Pilar. English services, Sunday, 10 a.m.; Spanish services, 9 a.m.; Sunday School for adults, 8:30 a.m. in the library; Bible Study, Fridays, 9:45 a.m. in the library.

Lake Chapala Baptist

“And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.”  (Luke 2:13-14)

With the most popular holiday just around the corner, it seems like everyone is trying to get into the Christmas spirit. Stores are lining their aisles with Christmas goodies and decor, TV shows have switched to the theme of giving and love, and Santas are starting to float about. Yet, the very first Christmas did without all of these things. Even more amazingly, the very first Christmas involved a poor couple who would lay the most precious child of all in a manger. Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Christ, the Savior who came into this world to die for everyone, even those who killed him. Jesus was God’s gift, not to the deserving, not to the Jews, but to everyone. People seem to have forgotten that love is to do what is right and moral. Christmas isn’t just about showing love for those you care for, but for those who are undeserving, and those you do not even know. Just as God came to die, for those who were undeserving, and those who He did not know in a spiritual relationship. Today, let us remember the true meaning of Christmas, Peace on Earth, good will toward men, for the Savior has come to show us how to love, and to give us the greatest gift of love. Instead of buying fancy toys, think of how you can give to those who would normally go without. Ask yourself how you can help out others who are not as fortunate as you. Show them the true meaning of Christmas, the gift of God’s love, and love others as God first loved you.

Pastor John Linton will be bringing the message Sunday, December 22.

Lake Chapala Baptist Church will hold its annual Christmas program followed by a soup dinner and fellowship, Sunday, December 15, 6 p.m.

Lake Chapala Baptist Church is at Santa Margarita 147, Riberas del Pilar. English-language Sunday school, 9:45 a.m.; English-language worship service, 11 a.m., and Spanish-language worship service, 12:30 p.m.

Christ Church

Christ Church Lakeside, a parish of the Diocese of the West in the Anglican Church of Mexico, will observe the Fourth Sunday of Advent (Advent Sunday) December 22, 11 a.m. in La Huerta Events Center. Rev. Danny Borkowski will celebrate with lessons and carols and a short Communion service at the end.

Sunday School (in Spanish) convenes during the service at the Gospel Reading. Young people are welcome to share this time of lessons and discovery.

Coffee and refreshments are available before and after the service.

The Lunch Bunch meets 1 p.m. at Adelita’s Bar and Grill, Independencia 1245 in San Antonio Tlayacapan, tel. 376-766-0097.

A joint Christmas Eve service will be held Tuesday, December 24, 5:30 p.m. at the Little Chapel by the Lake, followed by a finger food potluck.

The Bible Study will not meet Thursday, December 26, but will resume on January 2.

Unitarian Universalists

Rev. Dr. Marsha Fowler will speak on “Christmas Bells and Christmas Thoughts” Sunday, December 22 at the Lake Chapala Unitarian Universalist Fellowship (LCUUF).

The LCUUF will welcome back our first visiting minister, Rev. Dr. Marsha Fowler, who is both a minister and a nurse and whose focus for both is ethics, always a timely and thought-provoking subject. We look forward to hearing Marsha bring this focus to our Christmas service. We also look forward to hearing our newly formed bell choir.

The Unitarians meet Sundays, 10:30 a.m., at Hidalgo 261, on the Carretera in Riberas del Pilar, opposite the Catholic Church. More information: 376-766-2299.

Home Church Int’l

The pathway to having a challenging experience often includes a familiar inquiry, “Why me?”  It is often followed by, “I don’t deserve this!” Then, we often witness blame-shifting. Yet, for the people who believe they are walking the Christian life, they might find themselves doing some soul searching.

To ask ourselves a question like “Why me?” tends to reveal a self-importance which hints that we are too good for any calamity. It also can demonstrate a unique awareness of God’s greatness and His matchless love. Pastors Paul and Susana Allen also say it describes an unfilled spiritual life.  It speaks of a fresh joy in finally realizing the desire of God’s heart.  We realize that it was not our doing, but His. Like it or not, He is sovereign!

The pastors can be reached at homechurchintl.com, 332-242-8648 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

San Antonio de Padua

An English-language Mass is held at this Catholic parish each Sunday, 10 a.m. Address: Ramon Corona 123, San Antonio Tlayacapan.

San Andrés Mass

Padre Everardo Sánchez will officiate for the English-speaking congregation, each Sunday, 9 a.m.

Sunday Masses in Spanish are scheduled at 7, 8 and 10 a.m., noon, 5, 7 and 8 p.m.

San Andrés Catholic Church is at the corner of Ramon Corona and Parroquia, one block from the Ajijic main plaza.

San Juan Bautista

Father Jose Louis Gonsalves will preside at English-language Mass held at San Juan Bautista Catholic Church in San Juan Cosala, each Sunday, 9 a.m. The church is located at Del Cardinal, across from the plaza.

Abundant Life Church

What do you think worship is? Some think that it is something that a church does that includes singing or perhaps a directed reading. Worship is anything you do for the glory of God according to scripture. Come this Sunday, December 22 as we see the way that different characters from the Christmas story were used to bring worship to the newborn King. Even the fictional “Drummer Boy” had nothing to give but a song on his drum. Jesus came to have a relationship with you and what you have and who you are can be used for His glory. You can be a worshiper.

Abundant Life Church is affiliated with the Assemblies of God of Mexico and has services for everyone. Weekly Sunday worship services, 10 a.m. and Bible study in English, Wednesdays, 3 p.m. Spanish language services, Sundays, noon, and Bible studies, Fridays, 6:45 p.m. Children’s ministry, Saturday, noon, and youth, Saturdays, 6 p.m.

The church is at Carretera Chapala-Jocotepec 140, San Antonio Tlayacapan, a block from Super Lake. Information: 331-417-7038.

Jewish Congregation

Shabbat Torah services are held the first and third Saturday of the month, 10 a.m., and Shabbat evening services and potluck every second and fourth Friday, 6 p.m.

Information: lakechapalajewishcongregation.com or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Lakeside Community


As you read this, Christmas Day will almost be upon us. The focus of the day, among people of faith, is the birth of Jesus. But in so many ways it’s become something entirely different. Businesses count on the Christmas season for increased sales, children get their hearts set on receiving particular gifts, adults frantically search for the “perfect” gifts and charitable institutions use the season to try and garner maximum support.

All of the trappings make it difficult, but not impossible, to communicate the reason for celebrating Christmas. Those who profess faith in Jesus Christ seek to do that because they’re celebrating not only the birth of Jesus, but the uniqueness of that birth. The Bible is very clear in proclaiming that the baby born in the manger in Bethlehem was in fact God encased in flesh and we’re going to celebrate that fact this Christmas Eve.  Join the congregation and enjoy a great time together, Tuesday, December 24, 5 p.m. at the Bravo Theatre, 441 Hidalgo in Riberas del Pilar. Food and refreshments afterward.

Lakeside Community Fellowship meets every Sunday, 10 a.m., at Hidalgo 441, in the new Bravo Theatre directly adjacent to the carretera. All are welcome to attend. Youth and children’s Sunday school classes are available during the service. Information: Alan Pohl, 333-399-1501; Dave Powell, 332-208-9263.

Riberas Meditation

Closed for winter holiday. Reopen with Satsang January 8, 2020.

There is no cost for Satsang. Books and meditation materials are provided for free. Satsang is hosted at the house of Richard Clarke, San Luis 73, Riberas del Pilar. Wednesdays from 3 to 4:30 p.m. Space is limited. Call 376-765-6976 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

St. Mark’s Anglican-Episcopal,


Everyone is invited to a musical extravaganza and solemn, bilingual Christmas Eve Mass, 6:30 p.m. Ana Silvia Guerrero on organ, as Debra Matthew directs choir and congregation in classical favorites, hymns and carols, culminating in Handel’s “Hallelujah Chorus.” Refreshments follow.

English Mass every Sunday, 10:30 a.m., with Rev. Michael Schirmacher officiating. Spanish Mass 12:30 p.m. with Rev. Manuel Sonora officiating.

Chichimecas 836 at Aztecas, Col. Monraz, end of route Bus 33-A. Map at stmarksanglican.org.

Nacimientos vivientes


If you’re looking for some local color on Noche Buena (Christmas Eve), pop into the atrium of Ajijic’s San Andrés parish to see live nativity scenes on display from 6:30 p.m. until just before the 8 p.m. Misa de Gallo (Rooster’s Mass) service commemorating the Messiah’s birth church.

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