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Laguna Chapalac - May 13, 2023

Open Circle

Lillie Henley will present “Mother-Daughter Relationships” at the next meeting of Open Circle, Sunday, May 14, 10:30 a.m. at the Lake Chapala Society.

Rev. Lillie Mae Henley will share with us some of the dynamics of mother-daughter relationships, as well as anecdotes that women have shared with her. It is amazing what mothers teach us, or try to teach us, or unwittingly pass on. We learn their lessons consciously and unconsciously. Mothers’ life lessons, in one way or another, stay with us, and influence the personalities we become.

“Most of us take for granted what our mothers do for us or mean to us. Yes, there’s the most obvious components of our relationships—physical and financial—but it is only when we reflect intentionally on our relationships are we able to appreciate, or come to terms, with those relationships,” says Rev. Lillie

Lillie Mae Henley has a Master’s of Divinity from the Unitarian Universalist theological school in Chicago and studied family systems theory at the University of Chicago school of social work. She retired from the UU ministry in 2018.

Registration is strongly encouraged. Reserve at opencircleajijic.org.

Stop Social Security cuts

pg12aConcerned about Social Security cuts in the news? Alex Lawson, executive director of Social Security Works, will address the Lake Chapala Chapter of Democrats Abroad about protecting Social Security Monday, May 15, 4 p.m. via Zoom. To RSVP and get meeting details visit democratsabroad.org/312781/may_meetup.

Lawson will review the facts and then take questions. Topics will include:

• Social Security has its own dedicated revenue stream and does not contribute to the federal deficit.

• Social Security is an earned benefit paid for by all working U.S. citizens.

• 61 million (1 in 6) U.S. citizens receive Social Security

• One-third of all seniors rely on Social Security for at least 90 percent of their income. Without it, the poverty rate for seniors would be 44 percent

Lawson is a founder of the Strengthen Social Security Coalition that is made up of over 340 organizations representing over 50 million U.S. citizens. This organization stands in support of Social Security because it represents the best values of the United States:  honoring work, caring for our parents, and looking out for our neighbors.

Chapala Birders


Tuesday, May 23, the Birders will meet at 8 a.m. at the sculpture at the only traffic light in La Floresta, leaving immediately for the Rosa Amarilla Loop (a 60-minute drive). Expect to see a variety of grassland birds and possibly a white-tailed hawk. Bring refreshments for the morning and sandwiches for the 12:30 lunch stop. The group will be back in Ajijic about 3:30 pm.

E-mail John Keeling at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. at least two days ahead indicating if you can bring a vehicle and can take others, or you would like to be a passenger.

The Chapala Birders bird-walks are open to all those interested in birds, both beginners and experienced birders. Just bring binoculars. They always have knowledgeable birders on hand to identify the species.

Memorial Day

American Legion Post 7 will hold a Memorial Day service Monday, May 29, noon at the foreign residents part of the cemetery located at Calle Venustiano Carranza 26 in Chapala.

A luncheon of pit-roasted pig and trimmings will be served at the Legion, Morelos 114, Chapala, 3 p.m. Social hour begins 2 p.m., with live music by Old Souls, Charlie Cook and Daniel Cordero at 2:30 p.m. Raffle drawings, 50/50 and a liquor basket will be held.

Tickets, 350 pesos, are available at the Legion. No pets.

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