Dear Sir,
A cover story of last week’s Reporter told about the severe drought most of Mexico is now in.
We should all be concerned about the probable consequences to agriculture, particularly small farms and for millions of Mexicans who won’t have enough to eat when the price of food increases due to shortages.
When droughts occur in the United States, local governments usually impose restrictions on watering lawns, etcetera. Here in Mexico local governments rarely do that.
If we are concerned about water running out in our local wells, then we all need to do whatever we can to conserve water. Why not stop flushing every time you go to the bathroom? You might take shorter showers. Or ask your gardeners to conserve water by watering less.
With the number of new homes being constructed at Lakeside, we can be certain that some wells will soon run dry.
Whatever you do, please do not waste water! We are all in this together. So do your part.
Barbara Hildt, Ajijic