Last updateFri, 21 Mar 2025 8am


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Remember, dogs are feeling the heat, too

It’s not just us humans who are feeling the calor in the days leading up to the start of the rainy season. Our pets almost certainly suffer as much as us – dogs especially.

Dog owners should keep a close eye out for signs of heat exhaustion. The symptoms can include heavy panting, hyperventilation (deep breathing) and increased salivation. As the heat prostration progresses, you may notice weakness, confusion or inattention, vomiting or diarrhea and sometimes bleeding.

Here are some tips to keep your dog happy in the heat:

• Don’t keep your dog inside your car for prolonged periods. Take water in the car with you to give to your dog if needed. 

• Never leave a dog in a car with the windows closed. 

• Always keep a bowl of fresh, clean water near your dog. Change the water often. 

• Provide your dog with sufficient outdoor shade. 

• Take your dog for its walk either in the early morning or late  evening. 

 • Report any change in your dog’s behavior to your vet.

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