Last updateFri, 10 May 2024 9am


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Tragedy avoided in train crossing collision

The absence of stop lights or barriers at busy train crossings in the Guadalajara metropolitan area is an omission that perplexes most foreigners and angers many safety-conscious Mexican citizens.

Another major tragedy was fortunately averted just after sunrise on Friday, September 9 when a train engine collided with a city bus at the Inglaterra and Lopez Mateos crossing-. 

Nineteen passengers were treated for injuries, with 11 transported to nearby hospitals. 

According to police and traffic department reports, the driver failed to heed the warning horn of the engine that was moving in reverse. 

The driver apparently took a calculated risk in trying to “beat” the engine across the tracks, the report said.

The driver of the 640 route bus was freed from jail after posting bail and agreeing to pay damages.  He will have his license temporarily suspended while undergoing a 40-hour training course.

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