Last updateMon, 20 May 2024 10am


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Group supports Lake Chapala’s fishermen

Luz de Malla is a local non-profit organization that creates and leads tours to raise funds to benefit the fishermen of Lake Chapala and help them fund educational projects that further their knowledge about the sustainable care of the lake.

A cooperative of 35 fishermen will be presented with the proceeds of the recent Luz de Malla Copper Canyon Tour during a meeting on Sunday, November 30.

Those wishing to join the caravan to the presentation site are urged to meet at noon in front of the Centro Cultural Gonzalez Gallo (the former train station) on Calle Cristiania in Chapala. The group will car pool to the fishermen’s beach, which is about ten minutes from the meeting place.

In a second early December event, Luz de Malla, in collaboration with Mexico’s Federal Institute of Science and Technology (CONACyT), and working through Guadalajara’s Center of Technology and Research (CIATEJ), will present a study of heavy metals in the waters of Lake Chapala.

The program will be presented in Spanish on Thursday, December 4, 1 p.m. in the Auditorio de la Ribera to share the information gathered to area researchers, teachers, academics and the local population.

Luz de Malla is aware that the quality of the water of Lake Chapala and the quality and safety of its fish is of great importance to everyone living around the lake. This group focuses on keeping the local population up to date and thus maintain the livelihoods of the 3,000 fishermen around Lake Chapala.

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