Last updateFri, 14 Jun 2024 9am


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Workers go gangbusters to finish Chapala's Av. Gonzalez Gallo

A huge work crew is laboring furiously to complete the massive reconstruction of Chapala’s Avenida González Gallo by the end of this month.

The 25-millon-peso project, spanning both lanes of the traffic between Paseo Ramón Corona and Calle Degollado, has involved installation of underground infrastructure, including new water supply pipes, sewage drains, water and sewage connections to properties, and telephone, cable television and electricity utility lines.

The roadway is being resurfaced with deep plates of cobblestone set in cement, with smooth crosswalks and gentle speed bumps set at each intersection.

Other improvements include new sidewalks and plantings on either side of the avenue and a cycling and pedestrian path running down the median strip.

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